The Cooperative - Our goal is to conserve marine birds through coordinated partnerships and actions to reduce threats and further our understanding of these unique species. skip to Main Content

November 29: Roseate Tern (ROST) Recovery Group Session

8:30 AMIntroductions, Logistics, Meeting Objectives – (Susi von Oettingen & Caleb Spiegel)

8:45 AM – ROST Colony Updates

10:00 – BREAK (15 minutes)

10:15 AM – Location-based ROST updates & discussion

  • Brazil (10:15 AM)
    • Results of the first year of monitoring in Galinhos – powerline study- Rafael Revorêdo.- 20 min
  • Canada (10:35 AM) –
    • Quebec – new site – Jean-François Rail -10 min
    • Nova Scotia – new site – Alix D’Entremont – 10 min

11:00 AM – ROST Presentations

  • Single deserted eggs – Ian Nisbet – 10 min
  • Resighting ROST and COTE staging at Norton Point – Shea Fee (TTOR) – 15 min

11:30 AM – Great Gull Island

  • Great Gull Island
    • Resighting banded Roseate Terns on Great Gull Island to assess breeding phenology and apparent survival – Peter Paton, Joan Walsh, Margaret Rubega – 15 min
    • Great Gull Island Project – Joan Walsh/Margaret Rubega – 15 min
    • Questions/Discussion – 10 min

 12:15 – LUNCH (60 minutes)

1:15 PM AMBC-ROST General Presentations 

1:15 PM – Forage Fish

1:15-1:30     Preliminary results from two summers of monitoring Atlantic Puffin diet using fecal DNA metabarcoding (William Kennerly, et al.)

1:35-1:50     Spatiotemporal variation in Common Tern foraging movements (Aliya Caldwell, et al.)

1:55-2:10     Marginal effects of oceanographic variables and wind on the foraging behaviour and habitat preferences of the endangered Bermuda petrel (Letizia Campioni, et al.)

2:15-2:30     Preliminary Findings for Camera-Based Tern Chick Diet Monitoring (Sarah Guitart)

2:35 PM – Sea Ducks, Bycatch, & Offshore Wind

2:35-2:50     Atlas of Sea Duck Key Habitat Sites in North America (Kate Martin, et. al)

2:55-3:10     Seabird bycatch in the Eastern Canadian Arctic (Allison Anholdt, et. al)

3:15-3:30     Transparent modeling of collision risk for three federally-listed bird species in relation to offshore wind energy development (Evan Adams, et. al)

3:30 PM – Wrap up

November 30: General Presentations – AMBC & Roseate Tern (continued)

 8:30 AM Housekeeping – (Caleb & Susi)

8:45 AM    Disease & contaminants

8:45-9:00    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Canadian Seabird Colonies (Stephanie Avery-Gomm, et al. – first half of recording)

9:00-9:15    Seals, seabirds, and influenza in the Northwest Atlantic (Wendy Puryear – second half of recording)

9:20-9:35     Avian influenza on Coquet Island, UK (Ibrahim Alfarwi)

9:35-9:50     Malaria parasites, disease, and death in Common Loons (Ellen Martinsen, et. al)

9:55-10:10  Respiratory fungal disease in the Common Loon (Thomas Hilling, et al.)

10:10 AM – BREAK (15 minutes)

Disease & contaminants continued

10:25-10:40 Investigating Great Shearwater mass mortality events along the U.S. East Coast using a collaborative necropsy program (Anna Robuck, et al.)

10:45-11:00 Reassessing the presence of tick-borne pathogens transmitted by the seabird tick Ixodes uriae in Gulf of Maine seabird colonies (Joe Cleaves)

11:00-11:15 Fifty years of changes in concentrations of mercury and organohalogenated contaminants in the Northern Gannet of the Gulf of the St. Lawrence (Raphael Lavoie & Louise Champoux)

11:20 AM    At Sea Surveys

11:20-11:35 Research applications from GoMMAPPS seabird surveys to offshore wind energy development in the Gulf of Mexico (J. Christopher Haney, et al.)

11:35-11:50 Lessons learned and early results on the automated classification of seabirds from digital aerial imagery (Bradley Pickens, et al.)

11:55-12:10 Modeling past and future spatial distributions of marine bird species in US Atlantic waters (Arliss Winship, et al.)

12:10 PM – LUNCH (50 minutes) 

1:00 PM    Tracking Studies

1:00-1:15       The northern Gulf of Mexico seabird colony atlas and registry: a forthcoming resource (Kathy Hixson, et al.)

1:15-1:30       Satellite tracking of shearwaters in the Gulf of Maine (Kevin Powers, et al.)

1:35-1:50       Exploring the use of Great Shearwaters as a dynamic ocean management tool to mitigate threats to large whales (Tammy Silva, et al.)

1:50-2:05       Tern and Storm-Petrel Tracking in the Gulf of Maine (Keenan Yakola & Don Lyons)

2:10-2:25       Post-breeding distribution of Common Eiders in the Grand Manan Archipelago, Bay of Fundy, NB (Sarah Wong & Rob Ronconi)

2:30 PM   Colony Management & Monitoring

2:30-2:45       Evaluating the effectiveness of gull control as a management tool for increasing Common Eider duckling survival (Dustin Meattey, et al.)

2:45-3:00       28 years of seabird monitoring at Machias Seal Island (Heather Major & Anthony Diamond)

3:05-3:20       Seabird conservation in a coastal urban setting: An adaptive management challenge (Ruth Boettcher, et al.)

3:20-3:35       Build an Island – Terns will Come! (David Brinker, et al.; Archer Larned – presenter)

3:40 PM – Community Science

3:40-3:55     Stellwagen Sanctuary Seabird Stewards (S4) program (Fitzmaurice & Kwit)

3:55 PM – END

December 1: Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative Session

8:30 AM  Introductions, Logistics, Meeting Objectives – (Caleb)

(Type names/affiliations in chat, briefly go over Teams and Teams breakout rooms)

8:45 AM  AMBC Overview, Website, and Accomplishments (Caleb)

9:00-9:15 AM   New accomplishments reporting process – options for serving on website (Deb Reynolds & Caleb)

9:15 AM  ‘State of the Seabirds’ targeted outreach discussion (Scott Johnston)

9:45 AM   Working Group Updates, Review of Team objectives & Breakout Meeting Goals

  • Forage Fish – Linda Welch
  • Seabird Colonies & Adjacent Waters (SCAW) – Ruth Boettcher
  • Marine Spatial Planning – Holly Goyert
  • Community Science & Disease – Mark Pokras

10:30 AM  World Seabird Union Update (Pat Jodice)

10:40 AMBREAK (10 minutes)

10:50 AM  Working Group Break Out Meetings, concurrent (Session 1)

12:50 PM – LUNCH (35 minutes)

1:25 PM   Working Group Break Out Meetings, combined (Session 2)

3:35 PM – BREAK (10 minutes) 

3:45 PM   Working Group Report Outs & Discussion 

4:25 PM AMBC Organization & Development

  • Steering Committee goings and comings (Caleb) – 5 min
  • Voting & decision making processes review, update, next steps/discussion (Caleb) – 15 min
  • 2023 in-person meeting venue – 5 min

4:50 PM – END

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