The Cooperative - Our goal is to conserve marine birds through coordinated partnerships and actions to reduce threats and further our understanding of these unique species. skip to Main Content

December 7: Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative (AMBC) Session

8:30 AM  Introductions, Logistics, Meeting Objectives – (Caleb Spiegel & Susi von Oettingen)

8:45 AM  AMBC Description, Website, and Accomplishments (Caleb)1

9:00 AM  AMBC Organization & Development1

10:05 AM  World Seabird Union Update & World Seabird Conference 3 recap1 (Pat Jodice)

10:30 AM  Working Group Updates & Review of Objectives

11:15 AM  Working Group Break-out Meetings (Session 1)

  • Marine Spatial Planning WG [session begins ~1:00 min after start of recording]
  • Seabird Colonies & Adjacent Waters WG (CANCELLED, no recording)

1:15 PM    Working Group Break-out Meetings (Session 2)

2:45 PM   Working Group Report Outs & Discussion

3:40-3:55 Identifying and Addressing Impacts of Marine Debris on Bird in the Gulf of Maine Region (Meg Harrington, et al.)

4:00-4:15  Common Loons (Gavia immer) and NELSWG (Northeast Loon Study Working Group) (Mark Pokras, et al.)  [presentation begins ~1:15 min after start of recording]

4:20-4:35  Update on Staging Site Research on the NW Atlantic breeding population of Roseate Terns (Jeff Spendelow)  [presentation begins 42 seconds after start of recording]

18:45 – 10:20 sessions all included in single recording, beginning with AMBC description
2Forage Fish, SCAW, & Marine Spatial Planning updates in a single recording; Caleb, not Ruth provided SCAW update
3Final 1 minute of Marine Spatial Planning update included in this Community Science & Disease update recording

December 8: General Presentations – Roseate Terns & AMBC

8:45 AM Roseate Tern Focused Presentations

8:45-9:15  British Roseate Tern update and Project on the Edge (Chantal Macleod-Nolan) [recording misses ~2 min of presentation]

9:15-9:45   Powerline Tern Mortality Reduction, Galihnos Brazil (Rafael Revorêdo) [presentation begins 40 seconds after start of recording]

9:45-10:05  Roseate Tern monitoring at Pecém Harbour and identifying other important overwintering locations in the semiarid coastal region of Northeast Brazil (Jason Mobley)

10:15-10:45  USGS Bird Banding Lab: Vision, Capabilities, Collaboration (Tony Ceris-Murillo)

10:45-11:00  South Shore Long Island, NY Re-Tern Project (Arielle Santos & Enrico Nardone)

11:00 AM AMBC General Presentations

Marine Spatial Planning

11:00-11:15   Identification of the North Atlantic Current and Evlanov Sea Basin MPA (Ana Bertoldi Carneiro, Tammy Davies, et al.)

11:20-11:35   Identifying areas of highest risk for migratory birds to offshore wind development (Sarah Wong & Isabeau Pratte)

11:40-11:55   Stellwagen Sanctuary Seabird Steward (Anne-Marie Runfola & Caitlin Fitzmaurice)

12:35-12:50  Analysis and visualization of marine-life data in the context of offshore wind energy development (Marta Ribera, et al.)

12:55-1:10   Drivers of forage fish distribution and availability in the Northeast US Shelf ecosystem (Chandra Goetsch, et al.)

1:15-1:30     Regional Ocean Data Portals and Support for Offshore Wind and Wildlife Research (Emily Shumchenia, et al.)

Seabird Tracking

1:35-1:50    Recent advances in the ecological study of the endangered Diablotin Black-capped Petrel: at-sea distribution in the western North Atlantic, diet, and threat exposure (Yvan Satgé, et al.)

1:55-2:10    Where have all the eiders gone? (Scott Gilliland)

2:15-2:30   Assessing individual movement, habitat use, and behavior of non-breeding marine birds in relation to prey availability in the eastern U.S. (Julia Gulka, et al.)

2:35-2:50   In-flight Machine Learning for Automated Detection and Classification of Wildlife from Digital Aerial Imager (Bradley Pickens, et al.)

2:55-3:10   Wind interactions with Great Shearwaters during migration (Kevin Powers, et al.) [presentation begins 1:07 after start of recording]

At-Sea Surveys

3:15-3:30   BOEM Aerial digital imagery surveys offshore North and South Carolina: Overview of bird results (Julia Willmott, et al.)

3:35-3:50  The Northwest Atlantic Seabird Catalog: A database of at-sea surveys for marine birds (Arliss Winship, et al.)

Bycatch & Colony Management

3:55- 4:10  Updating Atlantic seabird offshore distribution and bycatch (Harvey Walsh, Doug Sigourney,   & Debra Palka) [presentation begins 1:16 after start of recording]

4:15-4:30  Initial Findings from Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) Banding and Resighting Projects in New Jersey and North Carolina, U.S.A. (Addison, et al.)

4:35-4:50         Seabird Conservation in a Coastal Urban Setting: An Adaptive Management Challenge (Ruth Boettcher, et al.) (CANCELLED, no recording)

December 9: Roseate Tern Recovery Group Session

8:40 AM  Tern-focused forage fish projects underway and in development

8:40-9:00 Tern diet monitoring pilot study (Michelle Staudinger, Liz Craig, Margaret Rubega, et al.)

9:00-9:15  Least tern chick diets (Luis Ramos Vázquez)

9:15-9:30 Diet of Roseate and Common Terns during the non-breeding season on the coast of Bahia, Brazil (Pedro Lima, Grace Cormons, Helen Hays)

9:30 AM  Common Tern management co-occurring with Roseate Terns

  • Colony management challenges, monitoring, etc.
  • Differences in productivity on co-occurring colonies

10:15 AM  ROST Colony Updates (Carolyn Mostello)

  • Northwest Atlantic population
  • FL
  • Caribbean

11:00 AM Data collections/management for Roseate and Common terns (Ian Nisbet, Susi)

  • Data Collections introduction (Ian)
  • Currently available collections:
    • MAS resighting data
    • Ian Nisbet data
    • Initial banding data
    • Brazilian data – Pedro Lima, recaptured birds
    • Other data collections
  • Identify research and/or recovery questions and data is needed to support those questions?
  • Challenges and opportunities

12:30-12:45  Environmental drivers of sand lance occurrence on the NE US shelf at multiple scales (Justin Suca)

12:45-1:00    North American Roseate Tern genomics: current status and future research (Paige Byerly)

1:00-1:15       Climate Adaptation proposal for Great Gull Island (Joan Walsh & Margaret Rubega)

1:15 PM  Quickie jump start sessions (20 minutes each)

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